
04.08.24 - hackn3t: Anne-Jan Reijn: Riding the edge

U nedjelju 4. 8. 24 u 19:00 u prostorima kluba MaMa, Preradovićeva 18 u Zagrebu pozivamo vas na prezentaciju rezultata istraživanja umjetnika Anne-Jan Reijna, koji je zadnji tjedan proveo na hackn3t rezidenciji rudareći kroz podatke koje je prikupio vozeći bicikl Balkanom.

Reijn svoju umjetničku praksu, između ostalog, smatra odgovorom na opsjednutost zapadnog društva sigurnošću i ekstremnu averziju prema riziku. Smatra da je važno povećati dobrovoljno preuzimanje rizika, a vlastite biciklističke podvige vidi kao izravni odgovor na taj "sigurnosni pojas". Pretpostavlja da je, kao i mnoge druge stvari, rizik slabo raspoređen po svijetu. Ovim projektom cilj mu je steći bolji osjećaj za globalnu raspodjelu rizika i vlastitu poziciju u njemu.

Krajem srpnja 2024. kreće na bike packing putovanje od Skoplja do Zagreba. Na svoj je bicikl namontirao je razne senzore kako bi zabilježio pokrete te ih kasnije pretvorio u kinetičku skulpturu. Ideja je snimiti i reproducirati sve udarce, skokove i iznenadne manevre te na taj način uhvatiti neke od egzistencijalnih kvaliteta same vožnje biciklom kroz često napuštene krajolike, daleko od bilo kakve društvene infrastrukture i od ljudi. Ovom gotovo apsurdnom umjetnom gestom cilj je rizike učiniti opipljivima uzimajući u obzir da su u potpunosti dobrovoljni. Agencija gibanja završene skulpture u kontrastu je s njenim visokotehnološkim kvalitetama te je povezana s društvenom opsjednutošću kontrolom kaosa. Jesmo li svjedoci lutkarske predstave ili osobne agencije?

Anne-Jan Reijn je interdisciplinarni umjetnik sa sjedištem u Amsterdamu - izlagao je svoje radove u zemlji i međunarodno na umjetničkim platformama kao što su Nieuw Dakota, W139, White Night Brussels, Vriend van Bavink i V2_ www.webzijt.nl

Riding the edge

a project by Anne-Jan Reijn

On Sunday, August 4, 24 at 19:00 at the MaMa klub in Zagreb, we invite you to the presentation of the research results of the artist Anne-Jan Reijn, who spent the last week at the hackn3t residence mining through the data he collected while cycling through the Balkans.

Reijn considers his art practice, amongst other things, as a response to Western society’s obsession with safety and the extreme risk aversion this employs. He thinks it’s relevant to see an ever increasing engagement in voluntary risk-taking and specifically his own bikepacking endeavors as a direct response to this ‘safety harness’. It is his assumption that, like so many things, risk is poorly distributed across the world. At least it is evident there are places with an abundance of risk. His aim is to gain a better sense of global risk distribution and his own position therein.

During July 2024 Reijn engaged in a bikepacking trip from Skopje to Zagreb. He has wired his bicycle with a set of sensors, so as to be able to reproduce the movements of the bike in real-time in a kinetic sculpture. To record and then re-enact all the bumps, jumps and sudden evasive manoeuvres and this way hopefully capturing some of the more existential qualities of cycling alone through often very deserted landscapes, far away from any form of social infrastructure or perhaps from any other person at all. Somehow make the risks involved tangible. But also considering that these risks are embraced completely voluntarily. An almost absurd, artificial gesture of risk seeking. The assumed or desired agency of the movements of the sculpture in contrast with the high-tech quality it has, symbolizing its ties with society’s obsessions to control chaos. Are we witnessing a puppet or personal agency?

Anne-Jan Reijn is an interdisciplinary artist based in Amsterdam and has exhibited his work nationally and internationally at art platforms like Nieuw Dakota, W139, Nuit Blanche Brussels, Vriend van Bavink and V2_ www.webzijt.nl

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