
Uto 1. 10. - Prezentacija projekta http://b00k.xyz/

umjetnost talk prezentacija netart hackn3t

Vizuali i snimke zaslona s b00kovih net art događanja uključuju radove Vangelisa Tzolakisa i Florencie Rodriguez Giles.

(scroll down for English)

Camila Malenchin i Ben Van Buren
1.10.2019. 20:00h
hacklab01, AKC Medika, Pierottijeva 11, Zg
Ulaz slobodan

b00k.xyz je rezidencijski i galerijski prostor na webu koji poslužuju i održavaju Ben Van Buren (New York City) i Camila Malenchini (Berlin). Sami projekt odrzaj je njihove suradnje na daljinu pa galerija i rezidencija ugošćuju umjetnike koji su geografski udaljeni ali dijele određene umjetničke interese. b00k.xyz ugošćuje umjetnike i umjetnice čiji rad, kod i digitalne alate dovodi u vezu s plesom i performansom.

Misije b00ka je korištenje osnovnih mogućnosti tehnologija kao što su HTML i CSS, printanje na zahtjev, te cloud softver kako bi se stvorio online prostor koji pitanja značenja dodira i prisutnosti drugih tijela, koja uglavnom postavlja performerska praksa, povezuje sa stalnim kontaktom i fizičkom udaljenošću koje donosi suvremeni internet a podržavaju ga aplikacije – softver koji rijetko otkriva svoj kod, motive ili buduće planove.

B00k.xyz realizira se Skype pozivima između Bena i Camile. Tamo raspravljaju o novim idejama i dijele zadatke komunikacije s umjetnicima, kodiranja galerije i web stranice, stvaranja vizuala za prostor. Projekt se provodi vrlo uspješno te je do danas imao dvije rezidencije u trajanju od devet mjeseci i sedam jednomjesečnih galerijskih izlaganja. U nadolazećoj godini b00k.xyz želi povećati kapacitete te umjetnicima ponuditi prikaz radova na webu ali i u fizičkim galerijskim prostorima.

Cilj im je raditi unikatne eksperimente koji tematiziraju rad u performansu i kodiranju, a za to im je potreban zajednički fizički prostor u obliku strukturiranog džepa vremena i prostora koji nalaze na hackn3t rezidenciji u hacklabu01 gdje će koncipirati događanje koje će biti jasno i privlačno umjetnicima i publici.

Ben živi u New Yorku gdje vodi Yonkers International Press, nezavisnu izdavačku kompaniju posvećenu istraživanju raskrižja performansa i tiskanog materijala. Njegovi tekstovi i dizajnerski rad objavljeni su u časopisima kao što su Graphite Journal, American Theater Magazine, Contact Quarterly i mnogi drugi. Prije osnivanja YIPa u 2017. godini, Ben je studirao na P.A.R.T.S. u Bruxellesu, i radio kao koreograf u raznim međunarodnim događanjima.

Camila živi u Berlinu i vrijeme provodi izvodeći performanse, producira video, skulpture, web stranice i razne druge bezimene stvari. Trenutno studira koreografiju na Umjetničkom sveučilištu u Berlinu. Studirala je suvremenu umjetnost na CIA i kustosku praksu na Umjetničkom sveučilištu u Buenos Airesu, oboje u Argentini. Dio je projekta Arqueologias del Futuro International festival. Kao performerica, umjetnička suradnica i grafička dizajnerica i umjetnička producentica radi s drugima i za njih.

b00k.xyz/ project presentation

Camila Malenchin and Ben Van Buren

Oct 1, 2019  20:00h
hacklab01, AKC Medika, Pierottijeva 11, Zg
Free admission

b00k.xyz is a web-based residency and gallery space hosted and maintained by Ben Van Buren (New York City) and Camila Malenchini (Berlin). Reflecting Ben and Camila’s long-distance collaboration the gallery and residency both host artists who lack geographic proximity but who share certain artistic interests. Specifically, b00k.xyz hosts artists whose work brings code and digitally-native tools into contact with dance and performance.

B00k’s mission is to exploit basic HTML/CSS, Print On Demand technology, and cloud-based software in order to create an online space capable of bringing the questions posed by practices of performancequestions of what it means to touch and witness other bodies—into contact with the sensation of being constantly in touch yet physically far apart that characterizes the contemporary internet and which is sustained by app-based software that rarely, if ever, exposes its code, motives, or future plans.

B00k.xyz is organized and sustained through an ongoing series of Skype calls between Ben and Camila. On these calls new ideas are hatched and labor of communicating with artists, coding the gallery and home page, creating images for the space is divided. So far the project has been able to operate very successfully, hosting 2 9-month b00k residencies and 7 1-month gallery shows. In the coming year b00k.xyz is committed to deepening its capacity to host artists by being able to offer opportunities that allow artist’s work to move between b00k.xyz and physical gallery spaces.

Working towards the goal of realizing unique experiments that continue to extrude the spectrum that spans space between work in code and work in performance requires that Ben and Camila find a more structured pocket of time and space to meet together. By working together in person they will be able to rigorously devise the conceptual framework of such an event, and rehearse the accompanying language that would allow such an event to become clear and attractive to artists and audience alike.

Ben lives in New York and operates Yonkers International Press, an independent publishing company dedicated to exploring the intersection of performance and printed matter. His writing and work as a designer have appeared in Graphite Journal, American Theater Magazine, Contact Quarterly and many others. Prior to founding YIP in 2017 Ben studied at P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels, Belgium, and worked as a choreographer touring his own work internationally.

Camila lives in Berlin and spends her time making performance, video, scuplture, websites and other things that have no name. She is currently studying choreography at the Berlin Arts University. She studied contemporary art at CIA and Curatorial practices at the University of Arts of Buenos Aires,  both in Argentina. She is part of the project Arqueologias del Futuro Iinternational festival. She works for/with others, as a performer, as an artistic collaborator and as graphic designer/art producer.

Images of b00k and screenshots from b00k’s net art shows including works by Vangelis Tzolakis and Florencia Rodriguez Giles.

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