
12.12.2020, 21:00 - Joana Chicau - < A WebPage in Three Acts >

prezentacija hackn3t

Joana Chicau - < A WebPage in Three Acts >
Sat Dec 12th 2020, 21:00 CET (GMT +1)
live @ hacklab01.org (online event)

< A WebPage in Three Acts > is an assemblage of live coded visual experiments performed in the web browser. The computer screen is divided in two stages: the ‘frontstage’, the inte...



SAT 7.11.2020 - 17:00 CEST - hackn3t artist talk - Tin Dožić: Trash / Sleep / Sail / Play

umjetnost prezentacija hackn3t

Sat Nov 7th 2020, 17:00 CEST
live session @ hacklab01.org (click the blinking link on top of the page - if it doesn't work for any reason click here. :))

In this artist talk I will outline my practice in terms of inconsistency as a source of integrity, getting lost to be found and being serio...



Sub 25.1. - Prezentacija: README_METHODS_FOR_ANIMALS

hackn3t prezentacija

U prosincu 2019. i siječnju 2020. gošća hackn3t rezidencije bila je umjetnica Laura Ige. Ove subote u 18h u prostoru hacklab01 u AKC-u prezentirat će svoj rad u kojemu razvija protokole za bolje razumijevanje osjećanja strojem. Cilj njena rada jest analiza različitosti dizajna rodnih identiteta pove...



Uto 1. 10. - Prezentacija projekta http://b00k.xyz/

umjetnost talk prezentacija netart hackn3t

Vizuali i snimke zaslona s b00kovih net art događanja uključuju radove Vangelisa Tzolakisa i Florencie Rodriguez Giles.

(scroll down for English)

Camila Malenchin i Ben Van Buren
1.10.2019. 20:00h
hacklab01, AKC Medika, Pierottijeva 11, Zg
Ulaz slobodan

b00k.xyz je rezidencijski i galerijski...
