
11-12/11/23 DIY foton synth radionica

DIY foton synth radionica @ hacklab01 Radionica izrade eksperimentalnog sintetizatora zvuka

Kada: subota 11.11. 17 - 20 h

nedjelja 12.11. 15 - 19 h

Gdje: MaMa, Preradovićeva 18, Zagreb

Prijave: max 10 - obavezne - do 10.11. 16:00 na https://cloud.hacklab01.org/index.php/apps/forms/s/Wd9P...



26. - 29.9. - LDSP - Sound Instruments from Rooted Android Phones Online Workshop

LDSP is a C++ software environment to hack Android phones and program them as low-level embedded audio boards. Conceptually, it starts from concepts such as technological disobedience (Ernesto Oroza), Techno-Vernacular creativity (Tratenberg, Albuquerque, Calegario), Infra-intruments (Bowers, Archer...



servLAB - radionica self hostinga

Kada: subota, 8. 4. 2023 i subota 15.4. 2023, 18:00h Gdje: klub MaMa, Preradovićeva 18, Zg Trajanje: ~ 2h Prijave (obvezne) na: https://cloud.hacklab01.org/index.php/apps/forms/s/jcnoopA5AkSpGtTB25ANN2cL

ServLAB radionica ima za cilj pružiti znanje i vještine potrebne za instalaciju i postavljan...



28.12. cmsLAB @ klub MaMa

cmsLAB je radionica koja se koncentrira na instalaciju i korištenje open source CMSova (content management system) za postavljanje web stranica.

Prijave (obavezne) na https://cloud.hacklab01.org/index.php/apps/forms/2HmaCJqHeit6Nx3z

Upiti na info@hacklab01.org

Sri 28.12.2022. 16:00-20:00 - k...



14.12.22 SUDA First Flashing

MediaLAB group
joyfully invites you to be a part of the First Flashing
of their computer
on Wednesday, Dec 14th 2022
at 6 o'clock in the evening
Online on hacklab01.org

We are liberating our computer by replacing the software that’s used to run its system before the operating sys...
