p≡p motivira na novi standard za sigurnu enkripciju i verifikaciju komunikacija bez otkrivanja tople vode: olakšava sigurnu komunikaciju oslanjajući se na poznate metode end-to-end enkripcije. Prateći standarde kao što su OpenPGP ili OTR, p≡p se integrira u postojeće sustave za pisanu digitalnu komunikaciju i automatizaciju ključnih upravljačkih procesa.
Kako bi zaštitili osobnu privatnost korisnika p≡p protokoli automatiziraju korake koje polaznici uče na cryptopartijima. Za laku integraciju u aplikacije p≡p nudi jednostavne APIje. Krajnji je cilj p≡p-a promijeniti standarde iz neenkriptiranih, neverificiranih i neanonimnih u enkriptirane, verificirane i anonimne. Kako bi to postigao, p≡p u dalekoj budućnosti predviđa routing preko GNUneta, alternativnog network stacka za gradnju sigurnih i decentraliziranih distribuiranih aplikacija koje čuvaju privatnost.
Program se održava na engleskom jeziku!
Pon - 11.9. 2017. - 19:00
Voditeljica: Sva
Sva je aktivna članica i sjedi u upravi jedne od najstarijih svjetskih hakerskih organizacija - Chaos Computer Clubu. Osnovala je i mentorirala mnogobrojne hackerspaceove diljem svijeta. Među hakerima u Indiji poznata je po započinjanju "hackerkamp" projekte kao što su hillhacks.in ili hackbeach.in.
Uz to, održala je brojne cryptopartije te je članica cryptoparty-admin-teama. Danas sa švicarskom p≡p fondacijom nastavlja raditi na cilju privatnosti za sve. Ima diplomu / MA u društvenoj i kulturnoj antropologiji, filozofiji te računalnim znanostima sa Sveučilišta u Münchenu.
Pretty Easy privacy (p≡p) and a the way into an Internet 2.0
p≡p motivates a new standard to securely encrypt and verify writtencommunications without reinventing the wheel: p≡p eases securecommunications relying on well-established end-to-end cryptographicmethods by design. Following standards like OpenPGPG or OTR itintegrates into existing systems for written digital communications andautomating key management tasks.
p≡p's protocols automate the steps taught to users at cryptoparties, toprotect their personal security and privacy by default. For easyintegration of p≡p into application programming we provide very simpleAPIs because ultimately p≡p wants to change the default: fromunencrypted, unverified and unanonymized to encrypted, verified andanonymized. To realize the latter, p≡p includes in the far future routing via GNUnet, an alternative network stack for building secure, decentralized and privacy-preserving distributed applications. It's goal is to replace the old insecure Internet protocol stack.
p≡p supports multiple platforms, multiple languages, multiple cryptotechnologies and multiple message transports. We will offer aPeer-to-Peer, End-to-End and device based secure synchronization of keysand configuration that is regularly audited Open Source and Free Software.
Mon - 11.9. 2017. - 19:00
sva plays an active role as a board member in the one of the oldest hacker associations in the world, the Chaos Computer Club and its conferences and also (co-) founded and mentored various hackspaces.
Among hackers in India she might also be known for her work on kickstarting the idea of hackercamps like hillhacks.in and hackbeach.in.
Besides sva held multiple cryptoparties and is also a member of the cryptoparty-admin-team. Today she continues working on the goal to have privacy by default for everyone together with the Swiss p≡p foundation. She holds a diploma/master (Magister) in social & cultural anthropology, philosophy and computer science from Munich.