
11.9.2021. - CONTINUOUS GLITCH - Razumijevanje RTP protokola kolaborativnim glitchanjem slike

radionica umjetnost hackn3t


Radionica istraživanjem i eksperimentiranjem u autorskoj web aplikaciji upoznaje polaznike/ce s RTP protokolom. Korištenjem online medija kolaborativno se oblikuje algoritam za glitch distorziju slike donošenjem odluka o odašiljanju i primanju parametara.
Do kraja radionice cilj je slanjem i primanjem parametara srušiti internet i podignuti svijest o putevima podataka.
Odaberite sliku koju želite žrtvovati i pridružite nam se u subotu 11. rujna 2021. u 18 sati na hacklab01.org.

Koristit ćemo web aplikaciju na https://continous-glitch.herokuapp.com/. Za detaljno objašnjenje kliknite na link!

Radionica se odvija na engleskom jeziku.

Sol Sarratea bavi se razvojem softvera i digitalnom umjetnošću, matematikom, računalnom grafikom, jezicima i protokolima. Uživa u izgradnji kompleksnosti iz jednostavnih procesa. Koristi kod kao način izražavanja, istraživanja i stvaranja. Većinu njenih projekata potiču open source zajednice, alternativni načini učenja i nužnost izgradnje vlastitog identiteta.Trenutno kodira shadere, razvija projekte s WebGLom te otkriva značenje digitalne alkemije.

Što: kolaborativna mrežna istraživačka radionica
Gdje: hacklab01.org
Kada: Sub, 11.9.2021., 18:00 (CET / CEST)

Prijave (obvezne) na https://cloud.hacklab01.org/index.php/apps/forms/cHjZAACWNZr2EBrm

Hacklab01 je projekt AKC Attack i umjetničke organizacije Format C, financijski podržan sredstvima Ministarstva kulture RH, Zaklade “Kultura Nova” i Gradskog ureda za kulturu Grada Zagreba.



CONTINUOUS GLITCH: Understanding RTP protocol by glitching an image collaboratively

The idea of the workshop is to introduce the RTP protocol, through using an app to explore it. We will be using an online medium to collaboratively shape the glitching algorithm by deciding what parameters to broadcast and when; and what parameters to receive. We will eventually collapse the internet by sending and receiving parameters; and hopefully raise awareness and understanding about the flow of information.
So choose an image you would like to sacrifice, and come by on Saturday 11th September 2021.

We will be using this webapp https://continous-glitch.herokuapp.com/ . For a more detailed explanation on how the app works click on the link.

Sol Sarratea is a software developer and computational artist, with passion in maths, computer graphics, languages and protocols. Enjoys building complexity from composing simple processes.Understands code as a way of expression, exploration, and creation. Most of her projects are encouraged by open source communities; alternative learning; and by the necessity of building own identity. She's a member of CliC, a live coding collective, where she performs coding visuals in real-time. Currently she is coding lots of shaders, developing projects with WebGL, and unveiling what Digital Alchemy is.

What: a collaborative network exploratory workshop
Where: hacklab01.org
When: Sat, Sept. 11th 2021., 18:00 (CET / CEST)

Applications (mandatory) https://cloud.hacklab01.org/index.php/apps/forms/cHjZAACWNZr2EBrm

Hacklab01 is a project by AKC Attack and Format C art org, financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, the "Kultura Nova" Foundation and the City of Zagreb.

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