
9. - 20.11.2021. - Hackn3t residency: Daria Goffman - NeuBaudelaire

radionica umjetnost hackn3t

Using neural networks for artistic purposes

Hrvatski (program se održava na engleskom jeziku)
Where: hacklab01.org (click the link on top of the page)

When: 9. - 20. November 2021.
Apply here.

NeuBaudelaire is a mystical synthetic allusion, a new vision of Baudelaire poems - a Neural net that teaches itself to create poems based on Baudelaire’s works and transforms them into visuals similar to images from dreams.
The residency will take place online, at hacklab01.org where the artist will provide insight into her work through a series of interactive presentations and workshops in the period of Nov 9 - Nov 20 2021.

About Daria Goffman:
I am interested in everything related to the concept of artificial intelligence. I develop scenarios for a positive "end of the world" that will allow a human to imagine the options for the development of civilization and to supplement human evolution with a digital component - the evolution of machines. As part of my artistic practice, I also explore how people can be seen by artificial intelligence. In my work, I cover topics such as anonymity, data clouds, and the uncanny valley effect.
I am engaged in group and individual projects to create various audio-visual installations using XR technologies, digital performances, generative graphics, video mapping, dynamic lighting, and even street art.
In 2021 I got my Master’s degree at the Digital Art of the Far Eastern Federal University program with a thesis on Ethics in Machine-to-Machine Communication.
Participated in exhibitions and festivals with the latest exhibition “Datasets vs. Mindsets” shown as part of the ArsElectronica festival.
Website: gogoffman.art


November 9 (17:00 - 19:00 Zagreb time): Text

1. Introduction to artist practice and the topic of the residency (NeuBaudelaire).
2. A brief introduction to “neural networks for humanities” and Google Colab.
The audience will learn how to connect their own accounts to Google Colab and will be provided links to several test Colab Notebooks. We will learn how to use the notebooks and get homework tasks.
Homework: coming up with a topic to work with, collecting material for text processing (TXT - 2MB), and testing different Colab Notebooks with own materials.

November 12 (17:00 - 19:00 Zagreb time): Image

1. A presentation of different art projects and artists who work with neural networks.
2. Displaying the results of the residency work (NeuBaudelaire) and going through homework.
3. Demonstrating a different approach to teaching visual Colab Notebooks: text to image, stylegan, bigdream, etc. and sharing links to some test Colab Notebooks.
Homework: testing the Colab Notebooks you received, figuring out how to combine ideas with text (optional)

November 16 (17:00 - 19:00 Zagreb time): Sound

1. Show and tell of homework.
2. Lecture on how neural networks work with sound with Colab Notebooks examples.
3. Sound-themed homework.
4. Demonstration of results from the residency in the form of an artist talk and a presentation of digitocene.net community of artists.

November 20 (17:00 Zagreb time): Show and Tell

Presenting all the work that was made during the residency, group discussion on working with Colab

Hackn3t rezidencija: Daria Goffman - NeuBaudelaire

Korištenje neuronskih mreža u umjetničkim praksama

Gdje: hacklab01.org (klik na link na vrhu stranice)
Kada: 9. - 20. studenog 2021.
Prijave ovdje.
Program se odvija na engleskom jeziku!

NeuBaudelaire je mistična sintetička aluzija, nova vizija Baudelaireovih pjesama - neuralna mreža koja sama uči stvarati pjesme temeljene na Baudelaireovim djelima i pretvara ih u vizuale slične slikama iz snova.
Rezidencija se održava online, na hacklab01.org gdje umjetnica kroz niz interaktivnih prezentacija i radionica pruža uvid u svoj rad u periodu od 9. do 20. studenog 2021.

O Dariji Goffman:
Zanima ju sve što vezano uz koncepte umjetne inteligencije. Razvija scenarije za pozitivan "smak svijeta" koji će čovječanstvu omogućiti da zamisli razvoj civilizacije i nadopuni vlastitu evoluciju digitalnom komponentom - evolucijom strojeva. U svojoj umjetničkoj praksi istražuje i kako umjetna inteligencija vidi ljude. Svojim radovima ispituje teme kao što su anonimnost, podatkovni oblaci te efekt “jezive doline”.
Bavi se skupnim i individualnim projektima za izradu različitih audio-vizualnih instalacija koristeći XR tehnologije, digitalne performanse, generativnu grafiku, video mapiranje, dinamičku rasvjetu, pa čak i uličnu umjetnost.
2021. godine magistrira na programu Digitalna umjetnost Dalekoistočnog federalnog sveučilišta s radom na temu Etika u komunikaciji strojeva.
Sudjeluje na izložbama i festivalima, od kojih je recentna izložba “Datasets vs. Mindsets” postavljena kao dio festivala ArsElectronica.
Web stranica: gogoffman.art

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